 demo reel decorados virtuales virtual sets estudios virtuales real time contactar israel diaz virtual sets


- Specialized technique in digital imaging. Bachelor by Silicon Graphics at “Centro de Estudios del Vídeo”. Official certificate Alias Operator (1996-1997).

- “Senior Technical Direction of Audiovisual and entertainment” en Instituto de Educación Secundaria Ies Henri Matisse (2005-2006)


Expert in:

- Brainstorm Studio v2.0 to v11

- Alias Power Animator 8.2.

- Soft-image 3.7.

- Maya 1.0, Maya 2.5.. Maya 7.5

- Lightscape 3.1.1.

- Photoshop v3.0 to Cs5

- After-effects 3.0 to Cs5

- Macromedia Director v8 to v11

- Flash 6.0 to Cs4

- Programming: Mel, Python, lingo, ActionScript, JavaScript.

- Avid media composer v3.5

- Platforms: Unix (1996-1998), windows NT, windows XP, windows 7.


1996-1997: Production assistant of Art-Futura.

1997: Development Alias Wavefront Training Program (in Telson).
Using Unix and  software Alias Power Animator 8.2. Creating projects like Via Digital and Terra Mítica (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVvnWIsd5Hw)

1998: Multimedia graphic designer in Montesa Graphics (Valencia).
Creating many spots of  “Ciudad del las artes y las ciencias”,  “Bancaja” in platform Silicon Graphhics with Unix and software Soft-image 3.7, Maya 1.0. virtualsets for  Nab 98. Beta tester del Brainstorm Studio (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVvnWIsd5Hw)

1998-2000: Multimedia graphic designer in World Image (Valencia).
Creating many spots of  “Sala Kataoria”, “Viodo”as well as  architecture 3D, Mix cameras 3D Max with Mel scripts, water system, fire system, Gaia short film  environment objects (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVvnWIsd5Hw)

2000-2001: Virtualsets operator in Brainstorm multimedia for C9 TVV, S.A.

2001- 2012: Equipment operator in C9 TVV, S.A.

In the development of virtualsets, 3D, programming systems to operators and also calibrating Intersense, Radamec...
TV Shows:  “Sense filtre, Informativos C9, Canal futbol, Babala, Milló en Joc., Solidaris, Europa al Día, Oratge, Elecciones…” (www.youtube.com/isdito)

Edition in Avid Media Composer, After Effects....
TV Shows:  “Interiors, Europa al dia, Guamipi, De temporada, Ocupat…”

In this moment I develop app using libraries of Ffmpeg with Python and threads to transcode different computer video formats to insert in Avid.

Also develop app that take ASS or SRT and create a composition in After with all the labels to render and put in Avid.


EXPERIENCE (Free-lance):

IB3 :
    From 10/2006 to 01/2009

Weather forecast system creation and designed in After Effects with compositions  .

- creation and designed  of  corporate image of TV news “7 de Noticies” from logo, headers, labels, virtualsets and programming system to operate in Brainstorm Studio.

- Advertising spots for “Banco Sanostra” sport and Football sponsor.

- TV News header.

-Virtualsets: “Meteo, 7 Noticias, Quin Stiu, Joc y Gols, Elecciones 2008, Illes de Cinema, Taula de cinema, Pick and Roll”

Maya 5 teacher( October 2003)
Maya 4 teacher ( September 2002)
Maya 3d v2.5 teacher (July 2000).

Many 3D works (April and May 2001).

Development 3D for different TV spots and for the  NAB 2001 and the IBC (in Brainstorm Multimedia) (Abril 2001)

UNREEL ( Southfield, MA ):
Intersense System calibration, virtualsets creation , pilot project implementation (August 2002)

RTVV Training Center:
Teacher in Advanced Digital Retouching with Photoshop (2005-2009)
Teacher in Virtual Scenery (2004-2005)

MCDIEGO (Valencia,Spain):
TV ad “Becas Bancaja”  December 2004.

TV ad “Programa patrocinado Por Bancaja”  January 2005.

MALVARROSA MEDIA (Valencia,Spain):
Creation of Digital effects for Alberto Argüelles Short film entitled  "Cañas y Barra"



My servers of web news at http://www.noticias24h.eu or http://www.hemeroteca.co , which used around 1200 RSS. My app takes 1000 news at the same time, 3 times daily and insert via Python, MySQL, XML on the web (made in Joomla) you can also find inside 17 thematic blogs

  • http://alimentacion24h.blogspot.com.es/
  • http://decora24h.blogspot.com.es/ 
  • http://noticias24-h.blogspot.com.es/
  • http://gente24h.blogspot.com.es/


Webpage:  www.webcutter.info
Parental Control app in Adobe Flash, which product identity and web page was created by me.

“Iconmaps “

Webpage: www.iconmaps.es a weather forecast application which product identity and web page was created by me.
Iconamps version 1.0 and version 2.0 composed by two app:
v1.0: Macromedia director and Brainstorm Multimedia, Python
v2.0: Adobe Flash and ActionScript.

Fort he v2.0 web was not updated and CD not created but I have a video in youtube